The Ground beneath my Feet

The Ground beneath my Feet

Cast & Crew

Directed by Marie Kreutzer


Valerie Pachner, Pia Hierzegger, Mavie Hörbiger, Michelle Barthel, Marc Benjamin, Axel Sichrovsky, Dominic Marcus Singer, Meo Wulf


Category Feature Film

Genres Drama, Action, Female Identity, Contemporary Society, LGBT

Running time 108 min.

Language German

Nationality Austria

Scriptwriter Marie Kreutzer

Cinematographer Leena Koppe

Produced by Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion

Local Release 2019 Mar 22

Production status Completed

The Ground beneath my Feet
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The Ground beneath my Feet
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Lola is a jetsetting business consultant who excels at the aggressive tactics and nonstop work her job requires. She travels back and forth from Vienna, where her tasteful apartment serves more as mailbox and laundromat than home, to the headquarters of the latest corporation she’s restructuring. Her routine is one of late nights at the office, fancy client dinners and brief nights of sleep in sterile hotel rooms. Approaching 30, Lola is beautiful, works out, and her career seems on a fast track to success.Lola manages her personal life with the same ruthless efficiency she uses to optimize profit margins. She keeps her relationship with her boss Elise secret, as well as the existence of her older sister Conny, who has a long history of mental illness. But when she receives the news that Conny has attempted suicide, Lola's secrets threaten to explode into the open. As she tries to do what's best for her sister without jeopardizing all she's worked so hard for, Lola slowly finds her own grip on reality slipping away.