In the heart of Finland's tumultuous summer, Siiri, a world-weary 29-year-old, finds herself entangled in a battle of ideologies with her endlessly optimistic father, Petri, amidst the revered Tango festival. Here, where the clash of optimism and pessimism reverberates like thunder in a Nordic storm, Siiri's penchant for 'no' meets Petri's unwavering 'yes.' Navigating the frenetic Tango market, Siiri deftly juggles her boss's marital crises with the grace of a tightrope walker in stilettos, while Petri cloaks himself in denial, masking his own tumultuous reality with the facade of a well-choreographed tango. As the festival unfolds, a whirlwind of misadventures ensues. Siiri fights to maintain her boss's sanity amidst marital turmoil, while Petri spins a web of deception, convincing himself and others that his life is a symphony rather than a cacophony. But when the final tango fades and the dust settles, reality crashes down like an icy plunge into a Finnish lake. Both Siiri and Petri confront the lies they've woven—both to themselves and each other. For amidst the chaos of the Tango market, the most intricate dance is the one within.
Cast & Crew
Category Feature Film
Running time 98 min.
Language Finnish
Nationality Finland
Local Release 2024 Sep 27
Production status Completed
Sales Territories Worldwide excluding Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland
Cast & Crew
Category Feature Film
Running time 98 min.
Language Finnish
Nationality Finland
Local Release 2024 Sep 27
Production status Completed
Sales Territories Worldwide excluding Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland
In the heart of Finland's tumultuous summer, Siiri, a world-weary 29-year-old, finds herself entangled in a battle of ideologies with her endlessly optimistic father, Petri, amidst the revered Tango festival. Here, where the clash of optimism and pessimism reverberates like thunder in a Nordic storm, Siiri's penchant for 'no' meets Petri's unwavering 'yes.' Navigating the frenetic Tango market, Siiri deftly juggles her boss's marital crises with the grace of a tightrope walker in stilettos, while Petri cloaks himself in denial, masking his own tumultuous reality with the facade of a well-choreographed tango. As the festival unfolds, a whirlwind of misadventures ensues. Siiri fights to maintain her boss's sanity amidst marital turmoil, while Petri spins a web of deception, convincing himself and others that his life is a symphony rather than a cacophony. But when the final tango fades and the dust settles, reality crashes down like an icy plunge into a Finnish lake. Both Siiri and Petri confront the lies they've woven—both to themselves and each other. For amidst the chaos of the Tango market, the most intricate dance is the one within.